Current Projects
We are currently working on a variety of projects in conjunction with partner organisations including East Lindsey District Council, South Holland District Council (both members of South & East Lincolnshire Councils Partnership), Voluntary Centre Services (VCS), Lincolnshire County Council, Wellbeing Lincs, Good Things Foundation, Victoria Atkins MP, Rose Regeneration, Carers First, Lincoln University, Lincs Training, Online Centres Network, National Databank, National Device Bank, Vodafone Data, ELDC Rough Sleeping Team, Digital Unite, NHS and Marisco Medical Practice (Mablethorpe).
Research & Development Projects

Digital Health Literacy
Research project funded by Health education England (NHS) and managed by East Lindsey District Council (ELDC). Working with Rose Regeneration and Lincoln International Institute for Rural Health (LIIRH) we are preparing for the development of the Campus for Future Living at Mablethorpe.
Recruiting and training Digital Health Champions from Marisco GP reception staff, volunteers from the Patient Participation Group and the wider community groups.
Delivering a combined package of online training and onsite Tutor support. This will enable the Health Champions to support residents to use online NHS and GP services.

Good Things Foundation Ambassador Centre
With a brand-new strategy this year, we’ve been on the hunt for the centres that can help us shape the new direction of the network. As the network grows and develops, we wanted to make sure centres were at the heart of these changes.
After a rigorous application process, we’re really pleased to announce that the four new Ambassador centres are:
- Lincs Digital in Lincolnshire
- Starting Point in Stockport
- People Know How in Edinburgh and
- Smartlyte in Birmingham
Ambassadors will work directly with the Good Things Foundation team and will support us with a number of activities throughout the year, including co-designing and helping us to deliver the new training programme due to be launched in Autumn. Watch out for more to come!
Good Things Foundation
“We are delighted to have been chosen as one of the four Good Things Foundation Network Ambassadors. The values we hold at Lincs Digital align with the great work being done at Good Things Foundation and we think the skill set we have will be of huge benefit to this project. The whole team are passionate about improving the lives and opportunities for everyone in our local community through learning, community hubs, the Databank and by building relationships with local partners. Working to widen the reach and benefits to other people is really exciting.”
Ann, Lincs Digital

Digital and Digital Health Champions
Being a member of the Digital Champions Network, we can support volunteers to become Digital Champions. We use a combination of online courses with Tutor support either face to face or virtually depending on individual need.
After a successful pilot project with the NHS we are also proud to support Digital Health Champions. This extends the normal training to include NHS and GP Services.
Please contact us for further information.
Support Sessions

ELDC Community Hubs
Support sessions based at Community venues within East Lindsey. Offering Digital support to residents including.
- Help with tablets, iPad, smartphones, laptops and chrome books.
- General internet use
- Council services online
- Blue Badge
- NHS/GP online services
- Online Banking
- Housing
- Drop-in and we will help if we can.
If you would like to host a session at your local venue, please contact us for further information.

SHDC Community Hubs
Support sessions based at Community venues within South Holland. Offering Digital support to residents including.
- Help with tablets, iPad, smartphones, laptops and chrome books.
- General internet use
- Council services online
- Blue Badge
- NHS/GP online services
- Online Banking
- Housing
- Drop-in and we will help if we can.
If you would like to host a session at your local venue, please contact us for further information.

LCC Wellbeing Lincs
Offering Digital Support to Lincolnshire residents to get online. This can include support with a tablet, mobile broadband, limited data allowance, help with existing equipment. Entitlement criteria applies and must come from a referral via Wellbeing Lincs.
Wellbeing Lincs responds promptly and professionally, providing support and guidance tailored to your specific needs wherever you live in Lincolnshire. Access to the service is subject to basic eligibility criteria.
Funded by Lincolnshire County Council and run by a partnership of district councils, Wellbeing Lincs may make the world of difference to you, your loved ones and those you care about.
To make a referral to the Wellbeing Service, call 01522 782140.

VCS Multiply
What is Multiply?
Multiply is a national project funded to help people wanting to improve their maths skills and confidence using these skills in everyday life.
Anyone aged 19+, a UK citizen or has the right to live and work in the UK and does not have a GCSE maths C / 4 is invited to take part in these free sessions.
In Lincolnshire, this is funded by Multiply in partnership with Lincolnshire County Council.
Our Multiply sessions are about developing the confidence to join in and try new things, to keep going even if it’s difficult and to help people achieve their personal goals; everyone at their own pace.
Activities are designed to be enjoyable and related to using maths skills in everyday life, with encouragement to have a try and see if these sessions are working for individuals – no pressure.
To find out more about Multiply with us, please contact us.

Learn My Way
Why Learn My Way?
The internet can save you time and money and allow you to do more of the things you like doing best.
Learning that fits around you.
You can use Learn my Way on your mobile, tablet or computer.
Wherever you choose to learn it only takes minutes.
We can register you to gain access to the online courses free of charge.

Data/Device Bank
We are able to provide access to the Databank at our Community Hubs.
The National Databank provides free mobile data, texts and calls to people in need via Good Things Foundation’s network of local community partners. Think of it like a ‘food bank’ but for internet connectivity data.
Someone receiving data through the National Databank must:
- Be 18+ years old.
- AND be from a low-income household.
And qualify in one or several of the following statements:
- Has no access or insufficient access to the internet at home.
- AND/OR has no or insufficient access to the internet when away from the home.
- AND/OR cannot afford their existing monthly contract or top up.
A person can have access to data for up to 12 months.
Good Things Foundation is building the UK’s first ever National Device Bank. Devices will be provided to people in need by thousands of community organisations in Good Things Foundation’s network.

We are a partner and able to offer sim cards at our Community Hubs.
Vodafone has now donated 750,000 SIM cards as part of its everyone.connected campaign and is doubling the free data available from 20GB to 40GB a month.
The campaign includes a range of partnerships and initiatives to help more people cross the digital divide, giving them the connectivity and skills, they need to stay connected and participate fully in an increasingly digital society.
Vodafone has pledged to help one million people cross the digital divide by the end of 2022.
The everyone.connected campaign has enlisted the support of more than 1,600 charities to help distribute the free SIMs to those who need digital connectivity the most. Major Vodafone partners include Good Things Foundation, Barnardo’s, the Trussell Trust and the Refugee Council.

Carers First
We offer support to Carers at sessions based across the county.
These are usually flexible drop-in sessions where we help with Digital queries.
Please see Carers First facebook page/newsletter for further information.
Please note these are organised by Carers First, therefore we do not arrange the venues or dates.
We are able to cover the following topics at our support sessions
Family History research online using Ancestry and Family Search
Skype, Zoom, Facetime and Messenger
NHS including GP services and online Prescription ordering
Online Safety and Scam Awareness
Online Banking
Setting up and using Ebay
Online shopping
Amazon Echo (Alexa)
.GOV Website
Using Online Forms
Music, Video and Photos on your device
File management
Microsoft Office
Facebook and Twitter
Using the Internet
Local Council Services
Completed Projects

Prince’s Countryside Fund
The vision of the Prince’s Countryside Fund is of a confident, robust and sustainable agricultural and rural community which is universally appreciated for its vital contribution to our British way of life and fit to support future generations.
They are passionate about the countryside. Established by HRH The Prince of Wales in 2010, The Prince’s Countryside Fund exists to improve the prospects of family farm businesses and the quality of rural life. Through their partnerships and events such as National Countryside Week, we celebrate and promote the value of the countryside.
We have delivered a “My Digital “ project to assist members of the rural areas of Lincolnshire to become more aware of online services and how they can be used to replace many of the services that have closed recently. This includes Online Banking, Shopping, Use of the NHS Apps/Website and how to keep in touch with friends and family.

Online Centres Network / Good Things Foundation
We are proud to be a member of the Online Centres Network which was brought together by Good Things Foundation, the Online Centres Network is made up of over 5,000 grassroots organisations, all working to tackle digital and social exclusion by providing people with the skills and confidence they need to access digital technology.
We are delivering a number of projects within this section:

Future Digital Inclusion
Digital inclusion is a huge issue in today’s society. There are 11.3 million people in the UK who are lacking basic skills, these people are missing out on a range of opportunities – from saving money and finding work to connecting with friends and family. We don’t believe anyone should be left behind, and we should be striving for a nation where everyone is 100% digitally included.
The Future Digital Inclusion programme has already helped more than a million people to improve their digital skills since 2014, ensuring they’re able to use the internet to access information, services and jobs. But with more than 11 million people still, without the skills to take full advantage of the internet, there is still more to be done.
The Future Digital Inclusion programme is funded by the Department for Education and delivered by national social change charity Good Things Foundation through the Online Centres Network. It’s aimed at supporting those who are hardest to reach to gain digital skills, with a particular focus on unemployed people, people on a low income or people with a disability.
We deliver these sessions at local Community Venues and also with Online Learning materials which are part of the Learn My Way package. We support the online courses via phone, email and video calling.

Make It Click
Currently, over 7 million people in the UK are online but not getting enough from the internet, and aren’t improving their digital skills. Compared to people who are not online at all, they are more likely to be seeking work or in low-paid employment. Currently, over 7 million people in the UK are online but not getting enough from the internet, and aren’t improving their digital skills. Compared to people who are not online at all, they are more likely to be seeking work or in low-paid employment. Make It Click aims to support people who often don’t receive support or fall through the gaps. We’re building their confidence, helping them learn new skills, and supporting them to achieve positive employment outcomes. Thanks to a grant from, the philanthropy arm of Google, we’re building a new offer of support for people who are online but only use the internet in a limited way. Through the grant from, Good Things Foundation is: • Creating new Make It Click tools and learning approaches for community organisations to support ‘limited’ users of the internet• Providing funding for community organisations to deliver Make It Click, using these new tools and learning approaches• Designing and testing a new Make It Click campaign to reach ‘limited’ users and encourage them to take the next step to improve their digital skills. Make It Click will support thousands of people over the term of the grant, through which we’ll learn about the best approaches to reach and support limited users. Ultimately, investment from is helping Good Things Foundation and the Online Centres Network support even more people to benefit from the digital world.

We are pleased to have been chosen to take part in the latest project with Good Things Foundation who say: We are pleased to have been chosen to take part in the latest project with Good Things Foundation who says:We’re proud to be working with FutureDotNow on their exciting new initiative DevicesDotNow. The new initiative will target the 1.7 million households who don’t have access to the internet and are digitally excluded as we face a socially distanced world gripped by COVID-19. Supported by the Department for Digital, Culture, Media and Sport, the DevicesDotNow campaign is asking businesses to donate tablets, smartphones and laptops, as well as connectivity in the form of sims, dongles and mobile hotspots. These are urgently needed to get the most vulnerable people in the UK online. Frontline organisations that form the Online Centres Network are in desperate need of digital devices to be able to mobilise into the community. With help of businesses, we can empower the Online Centres Network so they can support households facing self-isolation – alleviating the strain on the NHS while ensuring that vulnerable people aren’t cut off from their loved ones and the outside world. How businesses are supporting DevicesDotNow:• Donating devices. • Donating sim cards, portable hotspots, dongles or other connectivity.• Making a financial donation. • Spreading the word.
Special thanks to BT who have kindly donated tablets for us to give to vulnerable learners.

Get Online Week
19-25 October 2020
Good Things Foundation are very excited to announce that Get Online Week will return from the 19-25 October 2020!
Our 2019 campaign was our most successful ever, reaching more than 56,000 people in the UK, across almost 4,000 events. We’re so excited to continue this success this year by engaging with new and returning partners to support even more people to get more out of life online.
Lincs Digital will arrange sessions at a number of local venues throughout the week and these will be promoted closer to the time.

Lloyds Banking Group Digital Inclusion Programme
Good Things Foundation is delighted to continue working with Lloyds Banking Group to support digitally excluded people to improve their financial and digital literacy skills.
Using the Learn My Way site, individuals will complete courses from our Managing your money online subject. As a result of this project, learners will increase their understanding of how they can control their finances online, as well as how they can save time, money and increase their confidence in carrying out online transactions safely.
Lincs Digital have also worked closely with local branches of Lloyds to help people register for online banking and learn how to use the App and website. With the help of our local MP Victoria Atkins we have promoted the use of the mobile bank which has been put in place due to local branch closures.

TED Project
Talk, Eat, Drink (TED) in East Lindsey is funded by the National Lottery Community Fund under its Ageing Better programme. The TED Programme tries to identify the good provisions that are delivered through existing groups and facilities and helps to develop and promote them. This is achieved through the involvement of over 50s and local organisations.
TED is working to reduce isolation across East Lindsey and is designed to empower and connect individuals, helping to create sustainable change in communities.
The TED Programme looks to help organise self-sustaining Friendship Groups, deliver Age-friendly Business Awards and work with a variety of Delivery Partners to reach a wider community.
We deliver Digital Skills sessions as a delivery partner and support other services with their delivery. As described above this project is aimed at over 50’s across East Lindsey.

National Lottery Community Fund
Lincs Digital Community Support
Supporting local residents during Covid19 restrictions to assist with Digital needs via the use of virtual support sessions. Developing a safe return to face to face events and delivering digital learning sessions in the local community. Developing systems to future proof the Charity.

Lincolnshire Community Foundation
Thanks to the Community Foundation we are able to support volunteers and existing local community organisations based in East Lindsey, during Covid19 restrictions. We are supporting groups to be more digitally aware and to embrace the use of online tools to continue their community work.