Our Partnerships

East Lincs District Council
We are working with East Lindsey District Council to support residents out in the Community to access online services.
Please see our social media, ELDC social media and newsletter for more information.
East Lindsey District Council – East Lindsey District Council (e-lindsey.gov.uk)

Good Things Foundation
Good Things Foundation coordinates the Online Centres Network. They join the dots with other organisations, helping people to navigate a complicated world in order to become happier, healthier and better off.
The network is made up of community centres, public libraries and social enterprises, but equally can be found in village halls, places of worship, cafes, social housing, retirement homes, on mobile buses, in pubs, clubs and bingo halls.
We are an Ambassador Centre supporting new and existing member to the network.

South Holland District Council
We are working with South Holland District Council to support residents out in the Community to access online services.
South Holland District Council – South Holland District Council (sholland.gov.uk)

Lincolnshire County Council
We are working with Lincolnshire County Council to support residents via the Wellbeing Lincs project. We are also delivering sessions as part of the Multiply project which is funded by LCC.
See our project page for further details.

Wellbeing Lincs
Offering Digital Support to Lincolnshire residents to get online. This can include support with a tablet, mobile broadband, limited data allowance, help with existing equipment. Entitlement criteria applies and must come from a referral via Wellbeing Lincs.
Wellbeing Lincs responds promptly and professionally, providing support and guidance tailored to your specific needs wherever you live in Lincolnshire. Access to the service is subject to basic eligibility criteria.
Funded by Lincolnshire County Council and run by a partnership of district councils, Wellbeing Lincs may make the world of difference to you, your loved ones and those you care about.
To make a referral to the Wellbeing Service, call 01522 782140.

Centre for Ageing Better
We continue to support the Centre for Ageing Better and our sessions for older people are designed around their recommendations. Many of our learners were also interviewed for research projects in conjunction with Good Things Foundation and Lincs Training. The full reports can be found:

Voluntary Centre Services
Voluntary Centre Services supports volunteers and voluntary and community organisations across West Lincolnshire. We work with VCS to deliver the Multipy contract.
Multiply – Voluntary Centre Services: Lincoln, North Kesteven and West Lindsey

Lincs Training
We work with Lincs Training on some projects where bespoke training is required for a small business or individuals which falls outside of our Charity work.
During Get On Line Week or promotional events we often work together to promote Digital Learning.

A1 Community Works
We have an excellent working relationship with Tanya and Karon from A1 Community Works based in North Allerton, North Yorkshire. They work on similar rural projects and we can share ideas to improve the service for both areas.

Digital Champions Network / Digital Unite
Digital Unite provide the structure, support and learning resources needed to run successful, impactful Digital Champion programmes. They provide tools to measure progress. And consultancy to help target energy and resources in the right places. We use these programmes to train Champions to help end users learn vital digital skills, build their digital confidence, and thrive in a digital society.

Rose Regeneration
Rose Regeneration are an economic development business. They work with communities, government, and businesses to help them achieve their full potential. We are currently working with them on a digital health programme.

Lincolnshire PTC
Lincolnshire PTC are proud to offer high quality industry recognised qualifications which meet a diverse range of customer needs within this ever changing business landscape. As an approved City & Guilds Centre we have an extensive portfolio of Level 2 and Level 3 Awards to cover a variety of sectors: Forestry and Arboriculture, Livestock, Machinery Landbased, Pest Control, Pesticides and Plant Machinery.

FutureDotNow is bringing together organisations to motivate people and businesses across the UK to boost their digital skills. We need hundreds of organisations to get involved and drive change with us. Our vision is to empower everyone to thrive in a digital UK, by helping people understand the digital skills they need for life and work, inspiring them to invest time in the tech they need, and then supporting people by signposting the training they will need to match their own ambitions.

Lincolnshire Community Foundation
Lincolnshire Community Foundation was founded in 2002 and is dedicated to serving Greater Lincolnshire. We want to promote cohesive communities leading to a better quality of life and equality of opportunities for all, so that people are encouraged to contribute to society and fulfill their potential.
They have distributed over £18M to over 4,000 charities, community groups and organisations throughout our county. These grants have helped tackle issues such as child poverty, loneliness and isolation, food poverty, homelessness, access to services, addiction, unemployment, and many other crucial local needs.

Victoria Atkins MP
We have done some work to support some projects for Victoria Atkins MP for Louth and Horncastle. This included providing support to Spilsby residents during the recent closure of Lloyds Bank. We provided sessions at the Bank to assist customers to register and use online banking.
We also support residents across East Lindsey and help to promote the need for better broadband facilities across the area.

Lighthouse @ Louth Methodist Church
The Lighthouse Project creates a space where all are welcome to find food, friendship, and help in time of need.
On Wednesdays they run in conjunction with Open Lite House offering drinks, refreshments, games, and craft in the main Church. On Fridays, their drop in provides all of this and usually a hot lunch too. They can provide food parcels and household items, and help people find the help they need from other organisations.

Newydd is a charitable housing association that offers nearly 3,000 affordable homes for rent and sale to people where need is at its greatest in mid and south Wales. The Newydd vision is simply to provide affordable homes and support sustainable communities with excellent services to tenants and customers.

Carers First
Carers FIRST delivers the Lincolnshire Carers Service in partnership with the Lincolnshire County Council’s Customer Service Centre. Together we provide a wide range of services to carers across the county.

Lincolnshire Rural Support Network
Lincolnshire Rural Support Network provides pastoral and practical support to farming and rural people during periods of anxiety, stress and problems relating to their families and businesses.

Lincolnshire Community and Voluntary Service
Lincolnshire Community and Voluntary Service (LCVS) exists to support the voluntary and community sector in Lincolnshire; helping people to achieve their personal and organisational goals, creating partnerships and building strong communities.
They are dedicated to enhancing people’s health, particularly during at transition points in their lives. Their core mission is to promote volunteering, self-esteem, and well-being, and they strive to support hundreds of organisations that bring people together and help them to raise their voice.
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Magna Vitae, Age friendly business, U3A, Lincs Rural Housing associations, TED supporting partner services, Good neighbour schemes, Hopelinks, SimPal.