March 14, 2025
10:00 am
Meridale Youth and Community Centre
This is a free Drop-in session to assist with online services or general use of your phone, tablet, or laptop.
Please call in and see us on the day or if you would like to let us know you will be attending you can use the register button below.
Data Bank for help with data for your phone.
Help with the ELDC website:
Planning, Council tax, Housing
Lincolnshire County Council Website:
Blue Badge applications, Highways, Health and social care…
NHS Apps, website, and online GP services
Essential Digital Skills:
We can support you with learning Essential Digital Skills via online learning and our Tutor support.
Please see Essential Digital Skills for more information
Digital Champions
We have limited places on our Digital Champion Training which enables you to gain the skills to support other people with digital skills. This is a more structured course and will require commitment to a learning plan.
Please see Digital Champions for more information.
“This project is being delivered with funding from East Lindsey District Council.”